Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Question #2

Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?

What are they, and how do they relate?

Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved for "fixed"?

There is no current war in the World, so I picked a non-fresh situation. I want to relate the World War I and World War II with The Lord of the Flies. At the end story, we can see that Ralph and other survived boys got involved in a bigger war. Ralph thought it will all go smoothly and peacefully since they are rescued. But the reality was different since they were shipped to someplace worse. The World War I and World War II are similar with this situation. After the World War I, the whole World blamed Germany. They demanded Germany to pay for all the damages caused by the war. Also, they didn’t let Germany to create their own army. When the World had this decision, they thought the war was over. They thought that the war will end with no more harms. But actually, they ended up with more serious result. Angry Germans rebelled because they couldn’t obey the decisions other countries made. Since they couldn’t afford all the damages, they let Adolph Hitler to be in control along with a huge army. That is the start of the World War II. Basically, the idea of peace was broken. The war did not end, but it brought bigger war. I think this is very similar with what happened at the Lord of the Flies. Even though the World War II is over, there are some people who think that World War III will start soon. I think I also can relate this to the novel because the mistreatments towards North Korea made the North Koreans angry. Since North Korea is developing nuclear weapons, I agree that the World War III will soon occur. I think I should start praying before what we read in the Lord of the Flies won’t replay.

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