Friday, January 26, 2007

Question #8

Put entry of your choice.

I want to connect the novel Animal Farm with the Russian Revolution. Animal farm is based on communist society. The Russian Revolution is also based on communism. When animals declared rebellion on Mr. Jones, it reminded me when the citizens of Russia decided to get rid of the monarch. The citizens thought that monarch was not fair since only the king and queen families had power, wealth, and loyalty. So they rebelled just like the animals did to Mr. Jones. The animals attacked Mr. Jones and expelled him from the farm. So the democratic Manor Farm changed into communistic Animal Farm. For the Russian Revolution, the Soviet Union (or the USSR) was created in Russia to rule. In the novel, Snowbell, Napoleon and Squealer were the ruler just like the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, after the deportation of Snowbell, Napoleon started to corrupt by their power-hunger. They even changed the seven commandments by their will. Also, the show trial in the novel is related to the hilarious show trial that was made during the Communism. The Soviet Union first gained all the control of Russia, but later, because they over-used their power, they start to collapse. For the Animal Farm, the pigs acted as if they were humans. They wore clothes, they walked in two legs, and they ate foods that us humans eat. They were totally corrupted. I think George Orwell wants to show us and even teach us some consequences of a society with rulers like pigs in his novel.

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