Friday, January 26, 2007

Question #1

What is the major theme of this novel?

Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of this story is ‘choose your leader wisely’. The animals at first should have chosen one leader instead of three because it will surely cause a fight among power. Or, the animals should have asked for their right. In the novel, the animals didn’t seem to have any right. For example, when the hens rebelled against the idea of selling eggs, Napoleon didn’t even intend to listen. He just ignored and waited until they gave up. I especially couldn’t understand Boxer. Boxer is the strongest animal through out the farm, and unlike other weak animals, he can kill the dogs and send them to death. But instead, Boxer obeyed every word from Napoleon, thinking that Napoleon is the right one. Horses are so stupid! Because the animals didn’t think about the consequences, they are now totally in control. So I think it’s really important to choose your leader wisely. If they had Snowball for their leader from the first place, they wouldn’t be in this disaster. They might have bigger farm, more animals, plenty of food, and bags of money. This theme is important to a teenager living in 2007 because nowadays, they choose whoever is good-looking, appealing, or plausible. But they have to learn how to choose a leader who is able to make right decisions, wise, and someone who puts others above themselves. This is especially important when choosing a president. Since president is a job that is the most important and most difficult, we need to make the right choice. Or else, we might end up being in a farm just like the animals.


Suzie said...

I think you have a good idea; choosing leaders is important. When I thought about Animal Farm, I, too, thought that animals should have fought for the rights of themselves, because if they did, the pigs would not had been able to expand their power that much. I also agree that Boxer is silly believing all the falsehoods of the pigs and working for them, while he could have used his power for rebellion. Moreover, I agree with your thought about the importance of choosing a good leader.

Grace ShinAe Lee said...

hmm...interesting book you've read there! and interesting theme of the book. I agree that choosing the right leader is always important, because if we also compare it nowadays, people fight for the leader. They choose the leader who seems like he/she has the greatest strenght, which all comes from the evil nature of people.
This kind of relates to my novel theme, that people all have evil nature in their inner heart. I recommend my first book that i've read, "Lord of the Flies". It is a great book with some interesting facts that reveals the secret of human nature. Great blogging!:)I love pooh too!>_<♥