Friday, January 26, 2007

Question #6

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you.

Why is this passage meaningful?

Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

But Benjamin pushed her aside and in the midst of a deadly silence he read: ‘”Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.” Do you not understand what that means? They are taking Boxer to the knacker’s!’

This passage was a shock to me. Boxer was the one that worked hardest. He didn’t quiet rest, but he always worked. He worked for the animals so that they can have better life. He carried stones, he planted crops, and he did the hardest job of all! Boxer even worked after getting injured. He knew that he was getting weaker, but he worked hard. I thought that Napoleon and Squealer will make him retire and rest for the rest of his life. But instead, they sold Boxer to a horse slaughter. I was totally shocked. I mean, how can they possibly do that to Boxer?! The next part was even worse. Pigs lied to the animals that Boxer died peacefully in a hospital. That was like nonsense. I can’t understand why the animals trust them so much. This passage was meaningful to me because at this point, I started to really hate those fatty pigs. I disliked those pigs when they had trial (when they killed the animals), and I dreadfully hated those pigs at this point. I even thought of slaughtering Napoleon and Squealer myself and eat their fatty flesh all by myself. I had the most energetic hatred at this point, so I think this passage was most significant to me.


Yoojeong Shin said...

I was really disappointed by the pigs at this point. After they were finished with using Boxer, they just thew him away like you would throw away your old shoes. Boxer was faithful, loyal, honest, and strong. They are so blinded by the power they are gripping, that they do not even notice how cruel they have become. Even worse, they decieved the animals and told them that Boxer died peacefully in a hospital. They are ignoring the animals completely.

Eugene Bock said...

yes the scene also shocked me a lot. thus i totally agree with you although i have a different answer for this question. To me it was meaningful because I realized that the pigs are so mean that they could easily abandon the hard-working worker. i would not have done it if i were the leader. it was also meaningful because the other animals just got srprised but did nothing to their environment. as i always say, indifference is the worst thing ever because it makes the situation even worse.